Update: They also talked about BABYMETAL on the Metal Hammer Podcast Episode 165 “Ten Years of BABYMETAL” (from 13:40 to 39:50).
At the very end they mentioned that they will also be announcing a couple of special editions soon.
Update 2 (June 3rd): the possible “special edition cover” may have appeared on Amazon Japan of all places. It’s very similar to the Metal Hammer Japan (vol. 4) cover, just zoomed in (and with different text on top of it). As for it being just 1 instead of multiple, it may be that the single-cover ones were the special editions originally.
Update 3 (June 4th): Metal Hammer has now revealed it is that cover, and it comes with a bonus exclusive print. It is limited to 300 copies. Get it here.
Update 4 (June 5th): BABYMETAL has announced it’s also available on A!Smart, with it shipping on June 27th.
This month’s issue of Metal Hammer features BABYMETAL on the cover and includes 18 pages of BABYMETAL content, including a feature on the past 10 years, “rare” merch, and interviews with Herman Li and Rob Halford. Back in late April, Metal Hammer had asked BABYMETAL fans to share pictures with their merch to be included in this issue.
It will release on May 27th, though subscribers of Metal Hammer have already received it early, starting on May 22nd.
The last time they were featured on a Metal Hammer cover was on Metal Hammer Japan (Vol. 4), which released in December 2020. That issue came with the pictures used for these covers as a double poster. It was Metal Hammer (issue 327) for the UK edition, released back in September 2019.
Release Date: May 27th
Limited Edition with art print. The art print is the same as the “Throne of Metal” Tee from the “10 BABYMETAL BUDOKAN” merch collection, made by Isana Kagami

Bundle cover:

Purchase Links:
- Newsstand: SU-METAL Cover – MOAMETAL Cover – Bundle (both covers)
- Magazine Direct
- Your Celebrity Magazines
Content (18 pages of BM):
- Double Cover (Cover 1 features SU-METAL, Cover 2 features MOAMETAL)
- Featured story “10 Years of BABYMETAL” (Beginning, UK, and Global Conquest)
- Interviews with Herman Li and Rob Halford
- Pictures of fans with their merch
- “Rare” merch list