Here is the original (pre-show) version of this post.
All previous show reports from this year.
They live streamed part of the show, 3 songs (Megitsune, Gimme Chocolate!!, and PA PA YA!!). See the video and some pictures below.
They performed with a new Avenger, this time it was Momoko Okazaki, another ex-Sakura Gakuin member. More information about her here. More information about the Avengers here.
On the Kami Band side, Ohmura, BOH, and Hideki all played, as usual, and Yusuke Hiraga was the 2nd guitarist, as Leda and Isao were both busy. He had played last year at BABYMETAL’s Singapore and Australia shows.
They announced their first solo show in Taiwan for next year, on April 3rd. [Full post] It is part of the “METAL GALAXY WORLD TOUR in ASIA”. Which makes several believe there are more show announcements to come.
Find everything below.
Table of Contents
Show Info
- Megitsune
- Gimme Chocolate!!
- PA PA YA!!
- Elevator Girl
- Ind-metal/Shanti
- Distortion
- Road of Resistance
Kami Band
- [Guitar] Takayoshi Ohmura
- [Bass] BOH
- [Drums] Hideki Aoyama
- [Guitar] Yusuke Hiraga
- Momoko Okazaki [NEW]
Official Livestream
The audio mixing was qualified as poor by many fans, but on the bright side, we were able to hear Moa better, as her mix was very high.
Notably, at 9:45~ during Gimme Chocolate!! Moa had to run back at full speed to make it to her position, at 14:20~ Su mixes up a part of PA PA YA!!, and at 4:50 in the video, during the Megitsune C&R, Su speaks a bit in Mandarin:
“大家好 Taipei, 很想大家”, meaning “Hi everybody, Taipei, miss you all so much.”
And then counted “one, two, one, two, three, jump!” in Mandarin as well.
Pictures And Articles From The Show
Chinese BABYMETAL Facebook Group:
From the “Let Us Show the New Generation What Heavy Metal is” Keedan Interview (Translated here):
2020 Solo Show Announcement

Backstage Pictures
Promotional picture from the festival (different angles):
“We Would Very Much Like to Mosh With Our Fans!” Interview with Photoshoot by KKBOX [translated here]:
Fan Videos
These videos really add a cool perspective to the show that we couldn’t get from the stream. Mostly because the open floor was at the very back.
Megitsune was the first song, and the crowd was already quite intense:
Even the little ones got in the action:
Road of Resistance had a Wall of Death, as always:
But even before the show started, people were really hyped up! Here are a few clips from when the PA PA YA!! MV was played on the screens. You can even see other attendees astounded by the fans and filming them.
Some Goodies A Fan Left The Show With
Merch And Schedule
Official BABYMETAL tee (it sold out quite quickly) Timetable
Blast From The Past
Here are some goodies from the last time BABYMETAL was in Taiwan in early 2014:
You can find all those SakuraGaku videos subbed in english here. And blew is a video of their show with ChtoniC
1 Comment
Karel · August 6, 2019 at 8:41 PM
Thanks for the report! It’s great to have all the info in one place like this.
I would love it if Moa’s audio was always so high in the mix, it’s much better imo. I don’t know how it’s live, since I’ve never seen them live yet, but online, Moa is usually barely heard and it’s a shame.