Hedoban has announced a new issue, this time it’s a spin-off. The topic is on Japanese bands doing well around the world, with a focus on 2 bands, BABYMETAL and Ningen Isu. It includes reports for BABYMETAL’s Manchester, London, and Moscow shows. For those unaware, note that this magazine is in Japanese.

Releases: April 23rd
Price: ¥1,300 + tax
Purchase Link: Amazon Japan

  • Focus on 2 artists: BABYMETAL and Ningen Isu (96 total pages)
  • Reports on the Manchester, London, and Moscow shows.

BABYMETAL performed in Manchester in the UK (completely sold out with 3500 people) and in their “Second Homeland” in London (fifth solo performance and 5,000 capacity, completely sold out) for the European tour in February. And on the final day of the tour, where the Russian Metal Heads were smashed into the crucible of excitement on the first landing in Russia, a thorough report on the enthusiastic Moscow performance!




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