For those wondering what these are. These are reunions made by fans so that after (or before) the show fans can hang around and talk about anything they want (obviously the show is what is on most people’s minds). It is great to talk to people who have similar interests as yourself. You may even end up leaving with lots of fan-merch, which in some cases is better than the official merch! Some examples:

Information pulled from this Reddit thread by Fearmongert. Great thanks to him for organizing most of these meetups. They are listed in chronological order, at the bottom are the ones that aren’t finalized yet.

If you are going to go, please RSVP so the organizers know how many people will show up! You can arrive without doing so, but it helps 🙂

Atlanta – Friday, September 6th

When: Directly after the show ends
Where: Atlanta Sports and Social 2nd Floor. 825 Battery Ave SE Atlanta – Directions from the venue (right across the street)
RSVP link
Facebook Event (a bit more info)
Organizers: Brian Peters (Facebook, fearmongert on Twitter and Reddit) and Patrick Hickman (Facebook, imboredatwork on Twitter and Reddit)
Venue website

Boston – Wednesday, September 11th

When: Directly after the show ends
Where: Lansdowne Pub (The Big Snug room), 9 Lansdowne St, Boston – Directions from the venue (right next to it)
Facebook Event (more info)
Organizer: Brian Peters (Facebook, fearmongert on Twitter and Reddit)
PLEASE NOTE: the venue is 21 and over strictly – you must have photo ID or PASSPORT to enter

Philadelphia – Friday, September 13th

When: Directly after the show ends
Where: Mad Rex Apocalyptic Bar and Virtual Reality Lounge, 1000 Frankford Ave Suite 1, Philadelphia, PA – Directions from the venue (right next to it)
Facebook Event (more info)
Organizer: Brian Peters (Facebook, fearmongert on Twitter and Reddit)

New York City – Sunday, September 15th

When: Directly after the show ends
Where: Flight 151, 151 8th Avenue, NYC – Directions from the venue (Take the A,C, E trains DOWNTOWN to 14th street. Flight 151 is three blocks North of the station on 8th Avenue between 17-18 streets)
Facebook Event (more info)
Organizer: Brian Peters (Facebook, fearmongert on Twitter and Reddit)
The same location as the 2016 meetup after the show at PlayStation Theater. Fans were recorded and interviewed to be shown on Japanese TV.

Chicago – Friday, September 20th

When: Directly after the show ends
Where: Uptown Arcade, 4830 N Broadway, Chicago, IL – Directions from the venue (a few blocks away)
Facebook Event (RSVP here)
Organizers: Eric Rodgers (Ghiblimetal on Twitter and Instagram, Erod2357 on Reddit)

Dallas – Tuesday, September 24th

When: Directly after the show ends
Where: Mac’s Southside, 1701 S Lamar St, Dallas – Directions from the venue (a few blocks away)
Facebook Event (RSVP here)
Organizers: Dewayne Quertermous, Greg Garza, and Deborah L Romero.
Venue: Website and Facebook page

Denver – Friday, September 27th

When: Directly after the show ends
Where: The 1UP Arcade Bar – Colfax, 717 E Colfax Ave, Denver – Directions from the venue (2 blocks away)
Reddit thread
Organizer: DenverKitsune
Venue: Website
Note: venue is 21 and over

San Francisco – Friday, October 4th

When: Directly after the show ends
Where: 550 Powell St, San Francisco – Directions from the venue (a few blocks away, as always try and walk with others, or take a ride share)
Reddit thread
Organizer: RichCormano
Venue: Website
Note: the kitchen unfortunately closes at 10:30pm, but there are some late night food options within a block.

Los Angeles – Thursday, October 11th (Pre-party)

When: Night before the show (Thursday 10th) at 7PM~
Where: Standard Sports Bar, 226 Standard St El Segundo, CA – Directions from the venue (take a taxi/uber/drive)
No RSVP necessary
Reddit thread
Organizer: Brian Peters (Facebook, fearmongert on Twitter and Reddit)
Venue: Website

Los Angeles – Friday, October 11th

When: Directly after the show ends
Where: The Century Bar and Grill at the Hollywood Park Casino, 3883 W Century Blvd, Inglewood, CA – Directions from the venue (take a taxi/uber/drive, it’s walk-able, but area is not safe)
RSVP Link: Facebook Event or Google Sheet
Reddit ThreadThread 2
Organizer: Brian Peters (Facebook, fearmongert on Twitter and Reddit)
Venue: Website – Phone number (310-330-2800) – Menu
The BABYMETAL Wonderful Journey Funko Pops will be there!

Seattle – Wednesday, October 16th

When: Directly after the show ends
Where: The Carlile Room, 820 Pine St, Seattle – Directions from the venue (across the street)
Reddit Thread
Organizer: Rckn-Metal
Venue Website

To be confirmed:

Los Angeles (The Forum) – Friday, October 11th – As this is the big show, it will not only have an after party, but also a pre-party.
Organizer: Fearmongert
Pre-party: “I am waiting for confirmation from Brewport Brewing Company in El Segundo (directions from venue). She was interested in hosting the after party, but they weren’t big enough. It would be a great spot for the night before get together, and as soon as I hear back from her and confirm, I will post the details!”
After party: “We will he holding the after party at The Hollywood Park Casino (directions from the venue), which we have been confirmed for. I am still trying to secure a few last minute details- music, video, etc- as well as trying to see of they will either help with buses, transportation, or can give us some suggestions of reliable companies they have worked with in the past- I AM GOING TO finish these plans within the next week or two, maximum, and will be posting ASAP.”

San Francisco – Friday October 4th – RichCormano is putting an after party together, and is still in the process of selecting the venue. Details TBA.

Chicago – Friday September 20th – Erod2357 is currently reaching out to possible locations. Details TBA.

If your city is not on the list, you could try organizing one yourself! See this guide from Fearmongert, he has organized these things for years.

Categories: Fans


FEARMONGERT · August 29, 2019 at 7:20 AM

Thanks so much for the assistance!

Ell · August 29, 2019 at 9:53 AM

I hope there is a after party in St. Paul.

Anonymous · August 29, 2019 at 12:43 PM

Thanks for the acknowledgement.
Texas is ready! 🙂

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